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World Handicaping System

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The World Handicap System (WHS) will be launched in Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 2nd November 2020, to provide golfers with a unified and more inclusive handicapping system.

In preparation all courses have been rated, England Golf will be sending the course rating and slope certificate to golf clubs later this month along with Course Handicap Tables

The Player will take the following steps:

  1. Take their Handicap Index which is based on the best 8 out of 20 cards.
  2. Convert to Course Handicap from the course handicap tables.
  3. Apply Handicap allowance for the format being played.
  4. These three steps will provide playing Handicap for the round.
  5. Submit score at the venue being played, ideally directly into the computer system before midnight (local time).
  6. Playing conditions will be calculated (PCC)
  7. Handicap Index will be updated automatically overnight.

The Competition Committee will need to set eligibility conditions within their Terms of Competition. For example:

  • Who is eligible to play.
  • A maximum Handicap Index limit for entry.
  • And may require a Player’s Handicap Index has been calculated xxx times in the past 12 months

The Implementation of WHS

England Golf will be providing clubs with a Handicap management system which will run alongside their current ISV software.

All clubs should look to have technology in place to support the processing of scores by golfers, e.g. Touch Screens for score input and pre-registration.

Player’s CONGU Handicap will be converted using scores from their CDH records.

Conversion will be based on the WHS calculations using the last 20 scores, going back at least 2 years if required.

Players without 20 scores will be converted using a scaled table as seen in presentation below.


For more information please speak to your club handicap secretary or contact Sue Allen the County Handicap Adviser.


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